"The highest ideal of cure is the speedy, gentle, and enduring restoration of health by the most trustworthy and least harmful way." - Samuel Hahnemann
Doctor Anne provides personalized wellness programs by creating customized approaches for your individual health needs. Naturopaths don't treat illness - they treat people. Below is a list of various conditions and life-stages that I have worked with successfully. |
Vitality & Wellness
The core of Naturopathic Medicine - restoring & maintaining your health. Reversing the trend so many experience, of slipping into worse health and more pain, I partner with you in exploring ways to fine tune your lifestyle and food choices to give you the vitality and energy you remember. Get your life back!
Chronic Complex Disease
People suffering with chronic tick-borne illnesses or Long COIVD need a tailored protocol - there is no one-size-fits-all protocol. Lyme and coinfections can damage every system in your body, from immune to gastrointestinal to nervous to hormonal. COVID can have similar affects, as well as triggering relapse of other chronic disease, including tick borne and chronic viruses. In order to get better, you need to restore health to damaged systems as well as attack the microbes. I will listen to your story and develop a plan based on your symptoms and history, and be there to guide you every step of the way. From the first tick bite or COVID exposure to testing to chronic issues with mold, heavy metals, mast cell activation, histamine, POTS, environmental sensitivities, to genetic issues with methylation and detox, we can help you negotiate the road back to health. Doctor Anne offers antibiotic and herbal protocols, testing, supportive therapies, diet changes and in-depth understanding. Dr. Van Couvering is a member of ILADS (International Lyme and Associated Disease Society), and did a year of residency focusing on Lyme and other vector-borne disease, and has been treating Lyme since 2012.
Mold & Environmental Illness
Over 50% of homes in the United States have mold growth - it doesn't matter whether your home is brand new or over 100 years old. Mold just needs moisture and a few spores to grow. For sensitive individuals, the mycotoxins made by molds to protect themselves can have major health consequences, from profound muscle weakness to cognitive decline, even dementia, to problems with clotting that can cause bruising and sometimes stroke. Mycotoxins also affect your hormones and immune system, making it difficult to get well or making you hyper-reactive to everything around you.. Mold and tick borne disease can form a stubborn constellation of symptoms, and it takes patience and experience to unknot the tangle. Dr. Van Couvering studies tirelessly to understand this complexity; to that end, she is a Founding Member of ISEAI (International Society for Environmentally Acquired Illness) and is in a close mentorship relationship with Dr. Neil Nathan, author of the best-selling book Toxic, as well as with Dr. Jill Crista, author of Break The Mold.
Wellness - keep your child healthy during cold and flu season, learn how to manage a fever and common illnesses, while recognizing more serious conditions and when it is time to call for help
Allergies - allergies can manifest as hayfever to eczema to asthma - there are ways to help your child through his/her reactions and reduce or eliminate the need for high-level interventions and pharmaceuticals
Chronic illness/Developmental Differences - if your child has a more serious or chronic illness, there are often supportive therapies that can help build your child back up after months of illness or support his or her immune system through a bad time. I can also suggest specialized diets and other therapies that help with certain conditions, including autism spectrum, ADD, PANS/PANDAS, Down Syndrome, Lyme disease, Tourettes, chronic reflux, autoimmune disease and more.
Please schedule a free 15-minute consult to see if we have something to help your little one.
Allergies - allergies can manifest as hayfever to eczema to asthma - there are ways to help your child through his/her reactions and reduce or eliminate the need for high-level interventions and pharmaceuticals
Chronic illness/Developmental Differences - if your child has a more serious or chronic illness, there are often supportive therapies that can help build your child back up after months of illness or support his or her immune system through a bad time. I can also suggest specialized diets and other therapies that help with certain conditions, including autism spectrum, ADD, PANS/PANDAS, Down Syndrome, Lyme disease, Tourettes, chronic reflux, autoimmune disease and more.
Please schedule a free 15-minute consult to see if we have something to help your little one.
Natural Women's Health
Embracing Menopause - natural and healthful alternatives to reduce anxiety, hot flashes, joint pain, bone loss and other symptoms that can make this a difficult time. Dr. Scott offers bioidentical hormone prescribing and in depth understanding to help regulate your system in this transitional time.
Hormonal Balancing - botanical medicine and lifestyle changes can work wonders for your mood, regulating your menses and reducing the painful periods, weight gain and bloating that can result from a hormonal system that is out of balance. Bio-identical hormones are specifically tailored to your physiology and can optimize your health through transitions such as menopause.
Chronic Conditions - Naturopathic medicine has numerous effective options for conditions such as PCOS, endometriosis, recurrent yeast or bladder infections, as well as many others; both Dr. Scott and Dr. Van Couvering are well-versed in helping you with these chronic conditions.
Fertility - one of Dr. Scott's favorite areas of focus, she has had good success with helping people conceive and continue their pregnancies.
Schedule a free 15-minute consult to see how we can help you.
Hormonal Balancing - botanical medicine and lifestyle changes can work wonders for your mood, regulating your menses and reducing the painful periods, weight gain and bloating that can result from a hormonal system that is out of balance. Bio-identical hormones are specifically tailored to your physiology and can optimize your health through transitions such as menopause.
Chronic Conditions - Naturopathic medicine has numerous effective options for conditions such as PCOS, endometriosis, recurrent yeast or bladder infections, as well as many others; both Dr. Scott and Dr. Van Couvering are well-versed in helping you with these chronic conditions.
Fertility - one of Dr. Scott's favorite areas of focus, she has had good success with helping people conceive and continue their pregnancies.
Schedule a free 15-minute consult to see how we can help you.
Men's Health
Andropause - women aren't the only people who go through midlife hormonal changes. For men, lower testosterone levels can be a part of the general lack of "oomph" that many men start to feel as they age. Optimizing your diet and hormones can give you your old spark back, and make you feel years younger (as well as slowing down that hair loss!)
Prostate health - up to 90% of men will struggle with prostate problems. By being proactive and addressing early symptoms, we can minimize invasive procedures and pharmaceutical interventions.
Fertility - a father's contribution to the health and vitality of his children are often overlooked, but not by mother nature. If you want to start or grow your family, we have some great ways to make sure you are delivering your best. Dr. Scott loves the working with both men and women who would like to start a family but are having difficulties.
Prostate health - up to 90% of men will struggle with prostate problems. By being proactive and addressing early symptoms, we can minimize invasive procedures and pharmaceutical interventions.
Fertility - a father's contribution to the health and vitality of his children are often overlooked, but not by mother nature. If you want to start or grow your family, we have some great ways to make sure you are delivering your best. Dr. Scott loves the working with both men and women who would like to start a family but are having difficulties.
Aging Gracefully
Recent advances in science are showing how nutrition and lifestyle affect the likelihood of developing age-related diseases such as Alzheimers and Parkinson's disease. Optimize your bone, brain, hormonal and cardiovascular health. Aging is not an inevitable fall into pharmaceuticals, pain and dysfunction. You have the power to make incredible changes and to live vital and pain-free well into your twilight years.
Autism Spectrum Disorder
If you have an autism spectrum disorder, or if your child does, chances are you’re feeling pretty overwhelmed. The fact is, life with autism IS overwhelming, and finding ways to cope can be hard. Finding a medical professional who understands and has answers for you can be even harder. As the mother of a grown son with Aspergers, Dr. Anne understand this on a very deep level. Autism spectrum disorders are not just mental issues, and a whole body approach is necessary for the best outcomes.
Dr. Van Couvering has been researching and studying autism spectrum disorders for over two decades. She finds people with autism and Aspergers to be some of the most valuable and interesting people around. It is not her goal to make them “normal”, but to ease some of the suffering and difficulties associated with being a person on the autism spectrum living in the modern world. Further, there are some biomedical realities, such as poor gut function, genetically impaired detox pathways, neurotransmitter imbalances and so forth, that impact the lives of those with autism spectrum disorders and can be corrected quite simply with a huge impact on quality of life.
She offers nutritional, herbal, lifestyle and homeopathic support for those with autism spectrum disorders, and works with children, teenagers and adults with ASD.
Many of the ASD protocols are also appropriate for those with family and personal histories of ADD/ADHD, PANDAS & PANS, OCD, Tourettes, depression and anxiety.
Dr. Van Couvering has been researching and studying autism spectrum disorders for over two decades. She finds people with autism and Aspergers to be some of the most valuable and interesting people around. It is not her goal to make them “normal”, but to ease some of the suffering and difficulties associated with being a person on the autism spectrum living in the modern world. Further, there are some biomedical realities, such as poor gut function, genetically impaired detox pathways, neurotransmitter imbalances and so forth, that impact the lives of those with autism spectrum disorders and can be corrected quite simply with a huge impact on quality of life.
She offers nutritional, herbal, lifestyle and homeopathic support for those with autism spectrum disorders, and works with children, teenagers and adults with ASD.
Many of the ASD protocols are also appropriate for those with family and personal histories of ADD/ADHD, PANDAS & PANS, OCD, Tourettes, depression and anxiety.
Other Conditions
- Gastrointestinal Health
- Food Sensitivities
- Hypermobility/EDS
- Thyroid
- Eczema, Asthma, Allergies
- Metabolic Management - Blood Sugar, Cholesterol, High Blood Pressure
- Anxiety and Depression - non-pharmaceutical options
Testing & Services
- Mold and Mycotoxin testing
- Igenex and other specialized Lyme and tick borne testing
- Genetic testing and interpretation for MTHFR and other polymorphisms
- Organic acid and intracellular nutrition testing
- Stool testing for dysbiosis and other GI concerns
- Food sensitivity testing
- Heavy metal testing & treatment
- Nutritional intervention and counseling
- Natural detoxification protocols
- Cunningham panel